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Job Postings 101

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Digital marketing is at the forefront of any good Recruiters toolbox.  Many candidates get their first exposure to an opportunity or staffing service from a job posting. The number of candidates that convert to applicants is largely due to the Titles, Keywords, Structure, and Personally Relatable Content that is displayed.  Being concise is incredibly pertinent due to fleeting attention spans and the mediums that display the content limiting the length or view. This series will explore the ability to reach a large audience and attract applicants through the art and science of job marketing.

According to a Glassdoor study, 60% of employers say brand awareness is a significant barrier when it comes to attracting and hiring candidates. This comes as no surprise to most as we see companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, and the like attract some of the best talents with their brand alone. Despite the incredible importance of developing an employer brand and effective job posting marketing, only 19% of employees believe that their employer’s online presence matches what it’s like to work there. (Weber Shandwick).

Shockingly, I still run into far too many companies that still don’t understand the difference between a Job Posting & Job Description. To clarify a Job Posting is a marketing tool used to advertise a company and their job opportunity. A job description is a document, usually prepared by Human Resources, used to outline the responsibilities and scope of an individual employee. The Job Posting has elements of the Job Description but should not be used interchangeable. Both are important in the recruitment process, but at different stages.

Before diving into the parts of an effective Job Posting we should acknowledge the golden rule of marketing. All advertisements should be relatable to the audience.  Job Postings that say we need, you must, you’re required, or actively talk people out of the job are never acceptable. These acts will degrade a company’s employer brand and portray a set of values that no company wants to represent them. Driving this point further, almost half (49%) of candidates believe content about company values is most important when evaluating an employer. (Talent Board)

/u/lordicorice  hilarious comment 6 days a week with no work-life balance for under 50k? Who's their target audience for this ad, convicted felons with 6 weeks of fast food experience?”

Next: Job Posting 101: Keywords & SEO

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